Completely unfocused, frantic, annoyingly chaotic, and utterly nonsensical, director David O Russell’s Amsterdam is nothing short of a pretentious dumpster fire of shit with whipped cream and sprinkles on the top. I am SUPER forgiving when it comes to movies, you all know that, but I’m not sure how they got so many A list actors to put together a movie that at best felt like a high school play. The charismatic performance from the great Christian Bale was the only thing that kept me from walking out. The story was messy, incoherent, and really hard to follow, especially because John David Washington and Margot Robbie’s character’s were not all that interesting despite their respective efforts and solid chemistry with Bale. The murder mystery made zero sense and it felt like I was being attacked by the film’s stupidity and self indulgence at times. Simply amazed how a movie with such a spectacular cast, 1930s set design, and impressive wardrobe turned out so stale and boring. I got up midway through the movie to take a piss, and I NEVER do that for new releases, so that should speak for itself. Also, the title is so incredibly misleading as Amsterdam, Netherlands is merely an afterthought and has almost nothing to do with the story whatsoever. Whatever David O Russell was trying to achieve, he sorely missed, which is unfortunate considering the talent on display.
