First off, I’m someone who loves psychological thrillers, and the fact that a mainstream movie such as this had a ton of controversy and behind the scenes drama leading up to its release only made me more curious. Let’s start off with the good, as there are quite a few positives to take away from this film. The star studded cast is great. Florence Pugh continues to prove herself to be a formidable lead actress capable of carrying a narrative on her shoulders. Harry Styles plays Pugh’s husband and also does a fine job being the character who knows things but is reluctant to reveal certain plot points. They both have believable chemistry along with Olivia Wilde’s character factoring in a great deal of importance to the overall story. Chris Pine steals the entire movie as the sleazy villain Frank, however I do not see much similarities between his creepy character and well respected clinical psychologist/media personality Jordan Peterson like director Wilde had intended. The cinematography and production value of the idyllic desert town were all top notch, as well as the costume and sound design. The real issue with the film is that there are many ideas and reveals that don’t make much sense. I understand that the director wants to “deconstruct the patriarchy” and stuff like that, but the central messaging of the film may come off as confusing and even divisive. The big twists and turns may feel surprising at first, but I’ve seen other films do it a lot better. There are also some baffling decisions made by the lead character that took me out of the movie. I think that this movie will strongly divide audiences, with some loving and others outright loathing it. For me, I felt that while the movie undoubtedly has its fun moments of tense dialogue, intriguing ideas, and solid acting, the overall product bites off a little more than it can chew. I guess Jordan Peterson isn’t the greatest movie villain of all time. #dontworrydarling
