For those who don’t know, I do my best to avoid movies I have no interest in or movies that genuinely look terrible. Unfortunately, like every year, there were films I was anticipating that steeply fell below my expectations, in some cases to the extent that I almost walked out (and I never do that no matter how bad a movie is). To me, each of these films in their own way represent an aspect of what’s wrong with modern cinema, whether it’s an annoyingly unfunny joke fest, pretentious self indulgent Oscar bait, or a sequel/reboot that retcons or lazily changes certain elements of a beloved franchise. As I said before, I generally like to keep my page positive and upbeat, but coming fresh out of the obnoxious headache that was BABYLON last night, I thought I’d share my list of 10 films from last year that simply missed the mark for me.
