Zack Snyder’s Justice League is everything DC fans could’ve ever dreamed of and more. After the events of Batman v Superman, Batman must recruit Aquaman, Flash, Cyborg, and Wonder Woman to help resurrect Superman from the grave as Steppenwolf and Darkseid attempt to find the most devastating weapon in the universe; the anti-life equation. So much of the DCAU's Justice League show along with a mix of classic and New 52 comics inspired a great deal of what makes this film work. It’s seriously crazy how much added context we get to existing scenes here as well as so much backstory for characters like Cyborg, who absolutely RULES in this and we finally get to see his finicky relationship with his father Silas. Shocked to say that a bland villain like Steppenwolf is given actual purposes for his motives, through his dynamic with DARKSEID and Desaad. Snyder's Steppenwolf is intimidating, committed to redeeming his past mistakes, and has a real motive for trying to get on good terms with DARKSEID. Speaking of which, DARKSEID is so much more of a looming presence here and the scenes in which we bask in his glory are simply jaw dropping. Jack Kirby would be proud. Whedon’s sloppily handled large scale action scenes are wiped away as Zack completely allows each member of the League to properly show off their level of badassery. We get a much more fitting and emotional return of Superman here, as it brings full circle the themes of Man of Steel and BVS with profound catharsis. Batman is treated with incredible respect by Snyder and we finally get to see him as he deals with overcoming his guilt from how he almost killed Superman by bringing the team together. Zack’s film is BIG, LOUD, EPIC, and triumphantly hopeful. Junkie XL’s grandiose score gives the action so much grit and a level of excitement in its use of drums reminiscent of Junkie's Mad Max: Fury Road soundtrack. Loved the Leto Joker scene, and was so happy to finally see silver age Leaguer, Martian Manhunter, make his first cinematic appearance. This movie sets up sequels and I cannot fathom to think why Warner Bros wouldn’t be on board to let Zack complete his vision given the MASSIVE implications the film’s cliffhanger has. Zack Snyder, as someone who grew up with DC Comics, grew up watching these characters in various animated shows, you have created a truly outstanding achievement and superhero epic. The Snyder Cut movement has payed off and this is such a WIN for fans all over the world! The #restorethesnyderverse movement has just begun! #ZSJL#unitetheseven#forautumn